Belgian Mathematical Society
- In French: Société mathématique de Belgique
- In Dutch: Belgian Mathematical Society
On 14 March 1921, nine mathematicians, including Lucien Godeaux, Théophile De Donder and Alfred Errera, founded a "mathematical circle", which was renamed "Société mathématique de Belgique" in January 1922. Théophile De Donder became its first president.
The aim of this society was to contribute to the progress and spread of mathematics in Belgium. Mathematics was understood in the broadest sense of the word, including applied mathematics. The society wanted to be a point of contact between secondary education and the university.
The Belgian Mathematical Society organised monthly meetings on mathematics. Reports of these meetings were included in the Ghent journal Mathesis: recueil mathématique à l'usage des écoles spéciales et des établissements d'instruction moyenne. From 1948, the society published its own Bulletin de la Société mathématique de Belgique. The Bulletin published both synthesising (overview) articles and research articles. From 1977, the Bulletin was supplemented by the B-series Bulletin de la Société mathématique de Belgique - Tijdschrift van het Belgisch Wiskundig Genootschap, which contained more exclusively research articles. Since 1994, the journal has carried the title Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society – Simon Stevin, since it merged with the Natural Sciences journal Simon Stevin, published at Ghent.[2]
From the 1970s on, monthly meetings were abolished due to too few participants. An attempt to organise annual meetings was short-lived. Consequently, the main activity of the society is publishing the Bulletin and organising international meetings.
Guy Hirsch was secretary and treasurer of this society from 1947 until his death in 1993. He played an important role in this society. The official address of the society was that of his flat from where he managed all administration. From 1955 to 1977, he was solely responsible for the publication of the Bulletin. When the Bulletin was split up, he remained in charge of the A-series until 1993.
The Belgian Mathematical Society maintains contacts with several others such as the American, Dutch, Luxembourg and French mathematical societies. The society also maintains close contacts with the International Committee for Mathematics, as in editing a newsletter and jointly managing a website.
1922 | Théophile De Donder |
20 oktober 1923- 17 oktober 1925 | Henri Bosmans |
18 oktober 1925 - ? | Charles-Jean De La Vallée Poussin |
1951 - 1953 | Fernand Pierre Backes |
1955-1957 | Louis Bouckaert |
1962 | Henri-Georges Garnir |
1978-1979 | Robert Debever |
1986-1988 | Paul Van Praag |
Also active in this society[3]
- From 1921 to 1946, the minutes of the meetings were recorded in writing in two volumes. This archive is kept in the Fonds Hirsch, to be consulted in the Bibliothèque de l'Institut de Statistique et Recherche Opérationnelle of the U. L. B.(Campus Plaine, bâtiment NO, 9e étage, tel. 32 (0)2 650.58.98).
- Bulletin de la Société mathématique de Belgique (1947-1993)
- Bulletin de la Société mathématique de Belgique - Tijdschrift van het Belgisch Wiskundig Genootschap. Reeks B (1977-1993)
- Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin (1994-). Dit tijdschrift is elektronisch te raadplegen via het Project Euclid. Informatie over het tijdschrift is ook te vinden op de officiële website
- BMS-NCM NEWS: the newsletter of the Belgian Mathematical Society and the National Committee for Mathematics (2000-). De Newsletter kan elektronisch geraadpleegd worden op de website van de Belgian Mathematical Society.
Current website
- Jean Mawhin, "De wiskunde", in: Robert Halleux et al. (red.), Geschiedenis van de wetenschappen in België, 1815-2000, vol 1, Brussel, Dexia/La Renaissance du Livre, 2001, p.80
- Luc Lemaire, "A brief history of the Belgian Mathematical Society, in two and a half chapters" geconsulteerd op 26/07/2010 om 16u15. Zelfde tekst in 1998 gepubliceerd in de Newsletter #29 (September 1998) van de European Mathematical Society
- Luc Lemaire, "Une brève histoire de la Société Mathématique de Belgique en deux chapitres et demi", Gazette des Mathématiciens 99 (2004) 74-77.
- Paul van Praag, "Le Père Henri Bosmans et la Société Mathématique de Belgique" geconsulteerd op 26/07/2010 om 16u15.
- Jump up ↑ Luc Lemaire, "A brief history of the Belgian Mathematical Society, in two and a half chapters" consulted on 31/07/2023 on 14h30.
- Jump up ↑ Jean Mawhin, De wiskunde, in: Robert Halleux et al. (red.), Geschiedenis van de wetenschappen in België, 1815-2000, vol 1, Brussel, Dexia/La Renaissance du Livre, 2001, p.80.
- Jump up ↑ Luc Lemaire, "A brief history of the Belgian Mathematical Society, in two and a half chapters" consulted on 31/07/2023 on 14h30.