National Committee for Logic, History and Philosophy of Science

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Logo of the National Committee for Logic, History and Philosophy of Science

In Dutch: Nationaal Comité voor Logica, geschiedenis en filosofie der wetenschappen
In French: Comité National de Logique, Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences

The National Committee for Logics, History and Philosophy of Science serves as a link between the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science - Division of History of Science (IUHPS-DHST) and Belgian researchers working in the fields of logic, history and philosophy of science. The Committee is sponsored by RASAB (The Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium).
The seat of the national committee is located in the Palace of the Academies, 1, rue ducale, 1000 Brussels.


The goal of the National Committee for Logic, History and Philosophy of Science is formulated in general terms in Article 3 of the New Regulations for National Scientific Committees (Royal Decree of 2 April 1979): "The National Committees have the task of promoting and co-ordinating for Belgium the study of the various scientific disciplines within their jurisdiction, considered mainly from an international point of view. Each National Committee, either alone or in concert with one or more other National Committees, has the right to submit to the Union or to the scientific body of ICSU, to which it is attached, items for discussion within its sphere of competence".
In practice, the mission of the National Committee for Logic, History and Philosophy of Science covers three areas:[1]

  1. At international level, to reinforce the presence and influence of Belgium in the world of the history of science and philosophy of science and to include Belgian research on the history and philosophy of science in international research projects at global, European and bilateral level.

  2. At national level, stimulating and coordinating research on the history of science and the philosophy of science and promoting knowledge of Belgium's scientific, technological and industrial past among an interested public through, for instance, publications and study days.

  3. To organise collective research programmes in the field of history of science and philosophy of science.


The National Committee has sixteen full members and about twenty associate members. For the full members, linguistic parity is required.

Former members:

Notable former members include:

Current members:

A list with the current members of the National Committee for Logic, History and Philosophy of Science can be found on their website.


  1. "Nationale Comités, jaarverslagen 2006: 10. Nationaal Comité voor Logica, geschiedenis en filosofie der wetenschappen", In:Jaarboek 2006, Brussel: KVAB, p.114.