Bestor EN:About

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Bestor Quid?

Bestor, the abbreviation for Belgian Science and Technology Online Resources, is a database of records, historical sources and illustrations relating to Belgian science over the last two centuries. The aim of this database is to offer information on the history of Belgian science to a diverse public: researchers, journalists, science communicators, schools and the general public. On this website you will find notes on important and lesser known scientists, scientific institutions, events, prizes, magazines, societies, etc... You will also find an overview of historical sources and a number of pictures and portraits.

Want to know more about the vision and method of Bestor?


Bestor was founded in 2008. Since then, the database has grown daily, with new notes in both the French and Dutch sections. In 2021 translations to support content in English began. Today, you can already search 84 notes on Bestor EN. But Bestor also aims to be a community project, where volunteers exchange and learn. It therefore maintains a long-term cooperation with the staff of the National Centre for the History of Science. It also invites other historians, scientists and language enthusiasts to contribute and enrich the database.

How to contribute to Bestor?


Bestor is an initiative of the National Committee for Logic, History and Philosophy of Science. In the past, several collaborators were part of the editorial team: Alix Badot, Wendy Van De Camp, Walter Leclercq, Lyvia Diser, Virgile Royen, Eva Schalbroeck and Geert Vanpaemel. Today, the editors are Hannes Van Engeland and Joris Vandendriessche.

Bestor is financially supported by the PPS Federal Science Policy.