Bestor EN:Community Portal

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Welcome on the Bestor community portal!

Bestor was founded in 2008. Since then, a number of regular contributors have been adding new notes on a continuous basis, both in French and in Dutch. In 2021 we also started translating pages in English. But Bestor also aims to be a community project, where volunteers exchange and learn. It therefore maintains a long-term cooperation with the staff of the National Centre for the History of Science. But Bestor also wants to encourage other science history 'experts' to contribute and thus enrich the website. This can be done by commenting on or improving existing notes, by writing new notes or by translating notes into Dutch, French or English.

Bestor News


  • Bestor is searching for people who want to translate Dutch notes to French or from French/Dutch to English. See the hotlist below.
  • Have a look at the most recent changes.
  • New on Bestor! Have look at the latest new notes.

Learn how to create your account and become a Bestor User
Comment, edit and write notes yourself!

Introduction: What is Bestor? And what is a note?

Bestor is the abbreviation for Belgian Science and Technology Online Ressources, an online encyclopaedic website built according to the Mediawikiformat, which you also know from sites like Wikipedia. On this website, you will find a collection of webpages (notes) on important and lesser-known scientists, scientific institutions, events, awards, journals, societies, etc. Each note has its own page, with its own web address. Today, you can already search 84 notes on Bestor EN, a number that still increases by our translation efforts everyday. Bestor is also available in French and in Dutch (both with more than 1300 notes!).

Bestor uses a number of demarcation criteria to determine which topics exactly qualify for a note:

  1. The subjects of notes must have a link with the territory of present-day Belgium.
  2. All subjects have a link to science in the broad sense. Thus, engineering, agriculture, medicine and education are also considered. In addition, Bestor also pays attention to science policy, science popularisation and science history.
  3. Bestor limits itself to the period after 1800. If you want to cover older themes, please contact
  4. Notes on persons are only included after the person's death.

Collaborate: What can you do?

  • The first thing you can do is to write a new note on a topic that interests you or that you are researching. See also our writing tips.
  • You can also contribute by commenting or correcting an existing note. After all, only through peer reviewing and cooperation with experts can Bestor guarantee its readers objective, value-free and correct notes. See also commenting, correcting and editing notes.
  • Finally, Bestor also needs good translators to translate notes from Dutch and French into English.

Take a look at How to contribute to Bestor? for practical information on collaborating.

Inspiration for new notes

Here are some lists of notes that are currently missing from Bestor EN.

Hotlist wanted notes
These are notes that do not exist yet, but are implied by other notes. The wanted notes are ordered from most wanted to less wanted.

The top fifty

Hotlists of notes to be translated

Bestor wants to have its databases as synchornous as possible and therefore wants to translate on a systematic basis:

Famous Belgians

Here are some individuals, concepts and institutions that should be included in Bestor, but don't have a note yet.

Overview of Mediawiki manuals