Franz Cumont : pater patrum of the modern study of the oriental mystery cults.
Danny Praet & Annelies Lannoy
In het kielzog van de Belgica: KBR brengt de Belgische poolexpedities tot leven via storytelling software.
Imke Hansen
Physics in Minerva’s Academy. Early to Mid-Eighteenth-Century Appropriations of Isaac Newton’s Natural Philosophy at the University of Leiden and in the Dutch Republic at Large, 1687–c.1750.
Steffen Ducheyne
Wonderkamer 10: De zeven hoofdzonden van de wetenschap.
Multispecies History of Science.
Raf De Bont
Patience, diligence, and humility: epistemic virtues and chemistry in the eighteenth century Dutch Republic.
Pieter Beck
The Students and Their Books. Early Modern Practices of Teaching and Learning.
Danilo Facca (ed.)
Femmes de sciences. Le mouvement des university women dans l’entre-deux-guerres.
Anna Cabanel
Le petit Monaco des Congolais? De leprozerie Iyonda en de Belgisch-Congolese omgang met de ziekte van Hansen (1945-1960)
Felix Deckx
Op zoek naar de geschiedenis van Belgische patiëntenverenigingen
Tim Debroyer
SERVING SOCIETY: Academies and the challenges of a complex world
Les Iguanodons de Bernissart: Des fossiles et des hommes
Pascal Godefroit
‘We Never Talked About It at Home’: Diethylstilbestrol, Impacted Families and the (De)construction of Ignorance from Below (Belgium, 1970s–Present)
Antje Van Kerckhove & Tinne Claes
Scènes de Crimes. La photographie policière, témoin de l'enquête judiciaire
Laurence Druez en Xavier Rousseaux (eds.)
Bezet bedrijf: De oorlogsgeschiedenis van de NMBS
Nico Wouters